Currently in Development



It's Friday night at Maturango College. An eclectic group of post-graduate students are involved in some unusual extra-curricular activity at the campus museum. Controlled by a Fagin-like NASA reject--who will only answer to the name "CapCom"--who's wired into the building's security system (and just about everything else), and armed with the very latest in make-shift high-tech gear, the crew is attempting to break into the museum to replace the one of a kind McGuffin statue they recently acquired through rather dubious means. Unfortunately, the security system has changed a bit since they broke in the first time, and not only can't they finish the job in time but one of them is trapped inside the building the next day. Now the group must circumvent the (new) system--along with a few personal issues--make the swap, rescue their cohort, and get back out before sunrise...and before one of their members turns a deadly double cross.

Watch for an expanded Heist web site. Coming soon to a browser near you.



The year is 2008 AD. It is known on the new calendar as 2 AC-- two years after an 8.3 earthquake destroyed Northern California and unleashed The AntiChrist Virus, a man-made bio-weapon designed to kill its victims then decompose their bodies. Unfortunately, it exhibited a nasty tendency to do the decomposing first. The 1 person in 25,000 it didn't kill within the first 24 hours got really sick, really ugly...and really dangerous. Since the outbreak, Alex Queeg and Kevin Cobb--immune to the virus--have successfully avoided being eaten by these mutants as they've gone around the country living out their 'end of the world' fantasies. Just when they're sure they're the only ones left they find fellow travelers Sharon and Charlotte, who've been following a signal sent out by man calling himself Dr. Corman and promising sanctuary to survivors. As they fight their way toward Corman's Institute through ever-increasing hordes of mutants, they find still more survivors. What Kevin and Alex don't know is that their traveling companions all have their own agendas once they get to Corman--or that if the Raggers should get them before they reach 'sanctuary' they'll probably be doing them a favor.



Since the advent of the nuclear age nearly 1/8th of the world's enriched plutonium has gone missing. Stolen, destroyed, sold on the black market--who knows? But since peace broke out in the Soviet Union that number has doubled as the fissionable material is smuggled out of Russia and sold to the highest third-world bidder. When this directly involves a threat to the United States it is the job of the Nuclear Emergency Search Team--N.E.S.T--to track down and find the radioactive material. Fortunately, things have been slow since the end of the cold war--until a Japanese agent arrives in Los Angeles and informs the government that a shipment of plutonium they've been tracking--large enough for one hundred Hiroshima's--has just reached Los Angeles after being smuggled half-way across Siberia by dog-sled and through Japan. The last anyone saw of it, the plutonium was in a rental truck in an East L.A. parking garage, and the truck's been carjacked.

Original Sinema Productions in an independent motion picture company located in Encino, CA USA

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